6 Common Shipping Problems – And How to Solve Them
Shipping and logistics have come a long way in the past century, but there are still some problems that modern shippers still face, despite all the advances in technology and efficiency over the years. Here are six of the most common shipping problems and solutions to fix them when you’re faced with any of these issues as a shipper or receiver. The Problem: Lack of Transparency in the Global Supply Chain According to the World Economic Forum, more than 80% of respondents in a recent survey stated that there is a lack of transparency in the global supply chain. The lack of transparency leads to an inability for buyers and sellers alike to verify the quality and safety of goods, or where they were sourced from. This lack of visibility within the supply chain can lead to conflicts between buyers and sellers over product quality, delays in production as well as production changes due to supplier difficulties. The problem is that there is no way for either side to see what has happened wit